• Bucktown Athletic Club (Studio 3) (map)
  • 2040 West North Avenue
  • Chicago, IL, 60647
  • United States

It is estimated that 50% of runners develop some running related injury every year. Because of its popularity and accessibility, running is one of the most commonly practiced forms of exercise. Running has also been linked to and often recommended for a variety of health benefits. Unfortunately, these benefits are limited for every 1 in 2 runners who are injured and unable to take part in the activity until recovery is achieved.

Over time, poor alignment and repetitive movements create strain in the soft tissues that eventually become compromised with injury.

Over time, poor alignment and repetitive movements create strain in the soft tissues that eventually become compromised with injury.

In this workshop, Brian will teach students how to apply integrated alignment principles to the activity of running by conceptualizing the ideal running pattern, one that creates optimal efficiency and biomechanical balance. By learning how to sense the body through movement and apply force appropriately within guided imagery meditations and movement sequences (much like a yoga class), students can then practically warm up the mind and body up to improve neuromuscular coordination and cardiorespiratory function while running. When running for leisure or when racing for sport, attention to posture can lessen when fatigue sets in. Sometimes this happens simply because the mind loses focus. Taking these guided imagery practices out for a run will allow students to stay balanced and present from start to finish. The workshop will also teach students movements and stretches optimal for recovery that can be tailored to each individual’s need.

It is time to become present to how we treat our bodies, even when we treat them to exercise. No longer do we need to be victims of bad knees, hips or backs. By understanding the flow of physical energy in the body we can reduce strain to our tissues and promote recovery during strenuous training programs. In experiencing movement we can unravel kinks in our physical and neurological networks and bring efficiency and health to our bodies and minds. When we learn to listen to our bodies and communicate in a two way process, we can honor our physical potential in a way that is most fulfilling and injury free!


Visit https://www.chicagoathleticclubs.com/locations/bucktown/ for more info!

This Workshop is a free event for CAC Members,

Non-members inquire by e-mailing Brian@elemental-movement.com.