The Body Holiday Yoga Retreat Schedule

Week 1 - The 5 Elements of Ayurveda & Yoga (The Pancha Mahabhutas)

In the system of yoga, the material universe is described as evolving from consciousness in its pure form into an expression of infinite forms of finite description and identification.

The result of this process of evolution is the formation of 5 subltle qualities (tanmantras) which give the “blueprint” for 5 gross or material constituents (Mahabhutas) from which all things are made.

The pancha mahabhutas (5 elements) interact in multitudenous ways to create all that we can connect to with our senses.

By understanding these elements and their role and operation in the world around us and in our own bodies, we can bring balance to our health and master our physical being.

This week is all about the elements and how we can connect to them through nature, food and through the practice of yoga!

Monday (10.14) ~ Earth Element (Prithvi mahabhuta)

8 a.m. Hatha Yoga Practice - Getting Grounded and Finding Balance with Yoga Asana

11:15 a.m. Wellness Talk - A Yogic Lifestyle (Introduction to Ayurvedic Living)

Tuesday (10.15) ~ Water Element (Apas mahabhuta)

* 8 a.m. Introduction to Pranayama - Learning all about the breath

11::15 a.m. Aerial Inversions Flow - (Intermediate/Advanced Practice) Take your practice to new heights with Aerial Yoga Inversions Flow (Pre-registration required)

5 p.m. Gentle Restorative Flow - Creating fluidity and building circulation with Yoga Asana

*Time Change

Wednesday (10.16) ~ Fire element (Agni mahabhuta)

8 a.m. Vinyasa Flow - Develop your Yoga Core with special techniques from the yoga library!

3 p.m. Restorative Flow - Building power and energy without beating yourself up!

Thursday (10.17) ~ Air Element (Vayu Mahabhuta)

7 a.m. Rise & Shine Vinyasa Flow - Start your day with invigorating movements such as the Sun Salutations

5 p.m. Heart Opening Flow - Dynamically working into back bends and heart opening Yoga Asana

Friday (10.18) ~ Ether Element (Akash Mahabhuta)

 8 a.m. Introduction to Inversions - Take your practice upside down and learn some basics to develop your Inverted Yoga Asana

11:15 a.m. Guided Meditation - Follow some of my favorite guided meditations to practice daily for peace and wellbeing

image credit: (

Week 2 - The 7 Chakras & the Energetics of Yoga

The Chakras are an esoteric concept from yoga that suggests a hierarchy of the energetic principles that influence us as conscious beings.

In the system of yoga, we understand these energies are present on a subtle level and influence everything from our physiology to our feelings and how we perceive the world around us.

Using the 7 Chakras of Yoga, you will begin to experience a deeper connection to your own energy and your own being!

Monday (10.20) - Root Chakra (Muladhara)

8 a.m. Root Chakra Hatha Yoga - Standing and Seated Poses

11:15 a.m. Wellness Talk - The 7 Chakras & The Energetics of Yoga

Tuesday (10.21) - Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)

*8 a.m. Introduction to Pranayama - Learning all about the breath

11::15 a.m. Aerial Inversions Flow - (Intermediate/Advanced Practice) Take your practice to new heights with Aerial Yoga Inversions Flow (Pre-registration required)

5 p.m. Sacral Chakra Flow - Creating fluidity and building circulation with Yoga Asana

*Time Change

WEdnesday (10.23) - Solar Chakra (Manipura)

8 a.m. Vinyasa Core Flow - Develop your Yoga Core

3 p.m. Solar Chakra Arm Balance Workshop - Practice your favorite arm balances and learn new approaches to take flight with grace and ease!

Thursday (10.24) - Heart & Throat Chakra (Anahata & Vishuddha)

7 a.m. All About Alignment Hatha Flow - Start your day with invigorating movements such as the Sun Salutations

5 p.m. Heart Opening Flow - Dynamically working into back bends and heart opening Yoga Asana

Friday (10.25)- Third Eye & Crown Chakra (Ajna & Sahasrara)

 8 a.m. Introduction to Inversions - Take your practice upside down and learn some basics to develop your Inverted Yoga Asana

11:15 a.m. Guided Meditation - Follow some of my favorite guided meditations to practice daily for peace and wellbeing

Chat with brian at the wellness cafe!

I am offering 15-minute free consultations to discuss how I can help you optimize your Yoga Retreat at Body Holiday! Speak with me after class or if you see me around the resort and we will pick a time to sit down and talk about how the program can be perfectly tailored to your goals, wants and needs!

Book a Private or couples Yoga Session with Brian

With over 15 years of experience in health, wellness and yoga, my purpose is to offer a personal yoga practice to help my students grow and achieve all that they desire. Meet with me for a 60-minute custom tailored session to address physical limitations and concerns, help develop toward that “challenging pose” in your practice or create harmony in a mind and body that is uniquely yours! (Additional cost of $150 for a 60-minute session)

Book a private or Group Aerial Yoga Class

Take your yoga practice, or fitness program to new heights and book a private Aerial Yoga Lesson! With the aerial hammock, we can move more deeply into postures, build strength, and master inversion poses of the yoga and aerial practices. If you want a full mind-body experience, aerial yoga is definitely something to check out! (Additional cost of $150 for 1 or 2 students, inquire at Activities Desk for Group Rates for 3-6 students)

Read more about the 7-Chakras and techniques in bringing balance to these important aspects of our embodiment on the body blog by clicking the image below!