• Free Mvmt Shop (map)
  • 1962 N Biss
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Join Ayurvedic Practitioner and Yoga Instructor Brian Witten for the special workshop that will help you find your perfect, healthy balance in mind and body this winter. This class is intended for any person interested in health and will introduce the fundamental principles of the practice of Ayurveda as a general model for creating a naturally healthy life. Because each of us are unique through our own expression, it is important to develop an understanding of your own nature. Knowing how your energy supports your body and mind, you will learn to create balance and maintain your own natural growth on all levels.

Topics to be covered in this workshop will include:

Yoga Postures and Breath Practice

Food through the flavors or tastes of Ayurveda

Balancing your energy throughout the day

Discovering the best activities to help you flourish all year long

Cost: $35

Electronic materials included via e-mail, students may want to bring a journal to take notes in. Don’t forget to bring a sense of curiosity and an openness to know yourself more deeply.

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